Caregiving: Challenges, Joys & Solutions
Most of us will either become caregivers or require care during our lives. This Policy Consortium explored what it means to be a caregiver, how caregivers can support themselves and how they can find support and resources.
Here for Each Other: A Shared Caregiving Journey
Lisa Cooper and Valerie Oliver focus on the love and joy they brought to caring for Lisa’s father after his Alzheimer’s diagnosis and the special issues that Covid-19 posed to being there for him.
Between Two Kingdoms: A Mother Daughter Conversation
Suleika Jaouad and her mother Anne Francey have an intimate chat about how Suleika’s young adult cancer affected them as individuals and deepened their relationship. They also share how writing and art helped them take care of themselves and each other.
Finding Moments of Grace: The Lived Caregiver Experience
Rebecca Kirch talks about her personal caregiving for her brother, mother and now her husband and how she has learned that she has to seek out and ask for resources, to be an advocate for herself and the people for whom she is caring